četrtek, 30. november 2017


The Bachelor Contract, an all-new sexy standalone from #1 New York Times Bestseller Rachel Van Dyken is available NOW!!

The Bachelor Contract, nova seksi samostojna knjiga najbolj prodajane pisateljice Rachel Van Dyken je izšla!

Title (Naslov): The Bachelor Contract
Author (Avtor): Rachel Van Dyken 
Genre (Kategorija): contemporary romance (sodobna romantika)
Publishing date (Datum izida): November 28th (28. november)

A second-chance romance from the #1NYT bestseller of The Bet, Matchmaker and Elite series!

Romantika druga priložnost najbolj prodajanih knjig The Bet, Matchmaker in zbirke elite!


She's everywhere.
Love of his life.

The last person in the world he wanted to see...ever.

And now that he's working beside her every day, he can't escape her. Her scent, glimpses of her smile, even the tension in the air that makes his body hum with the kind of need he'd only experienced with one person-all of it is driving him over the edge.

Brant Wellington was certain of three things:
Alcohol wasn't going to solve this.
He really was losing his F-ing mind.
And his gorgeous ex-wife was going to be the death of him.

Ona je povsod.
Bivša žena.
Ljubezen njegovega življenja.

Zadnja oseba na svetu, ki jo želi videti...vedno.

Sedaj, ko dela skupaj z njo vsak dan, ji ne more pobegniti. Njen vonj, pogled na njen nasmeh, celo napetost v zraku mu povzroča prijetno brenčanje v telesu, da potrebuje izkušnjo, ki jo je doživel samo enkrat z eno osebo - vse to mu dela skušnjave.

Brant Wellington je bil prepričan v tri stvari:
Alkohol nebo rešil tega.
Počasi ga zapušča ta j*** pamet.
Njegova čudovita bivša žena bo smrt za njega.


Read Today! (Berite že danes!)

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RACHEL VAN DYKEN is the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today Bestselling author of regency and contemporary romances. When she's not writing you can find her drinking coffee at Starbucks and plotting her next book while watching The Bachelor.
She keeps her home in Idaho with her Husband, adorable son, and two snoring boxers! She loves to hear from readers!

RACHEL VAN DYKEN je najbolj prodajana pisateljica sodobnih romantičnih knjig. Ko ne piše, pije kavico pri Starbucksu in sestavlja novo zgodbo med gledanjem The Bachelor (Sanjski moški).
Svoj dom si je ustvarila v Idaho skupaj z možem, očarljivim sinom ter dvema psoma boksarjema. Rada je v stiku s svojimi bralci!

Connect with Rachel (Rachel lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

The cover reminds me of spring. Naslovnica me spominja na pomlad.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

sreda, 29. november 2017


Title (Naslov): Nectar of the Gods
Author (Avtor): Mary Bernsen
Series (zbirka): Beyond the Gods #1
Published by (založba): CTP Pulse
Genre (Kategorija): Adult (odrasli), Fantasy (fantazija), Mythology (mitologija), Romance (romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): November 28th, 2017 (28. november 2017)


Ambrosia has spent her life preparing for the day she would avenge her mother’s death. Working undercover as a prostitute, she draws in the man who took her mother’s life. Not realizing who Ambrosia is, the man admits to her that her mother is actually still alive—and he’s on a quest to finish what he started twenty-three years ago. Desperate to find the mother she’s never met, Ambrosia convinces him to let her help. It’s a partnership of necessity and founded in deception, but Ambrosia is faced with an uncomfortable truth: this man is not the monster she has always envisioned him to be. Worse yet, she finds herself drawn to him…craving his touch. How can she reconcile these intense feelings for the man who shattered her life?

The first novel in the exciting new Beyond the Gods series, Nectar of the Gods is a fantasy romance steeped in Greek Mythology and full of passion that will leave you breathless.

Ambrosio so celo življenje pripravljali na dan, ko bo maščevala smrt svoje matere. Da privlači moškega, ki je ubil njeno mamo, dela kot prostitutka pod krinko. Moški se ne zaveda kdo je Ambrosia in ji prizna, da je njena mama pravzaprav živa, on pa je na misiji, da zaključi kar je začel pred triindvajsetimi leti. Obupana, da poišče mamo, ki je ni nikoli videla, se Ambrosia pusti prepričati, da ji pomaga. To je nujno partnerstvo in utemeljena prevara, ampak Ambrosia je soočena z neprijetno resnico: ta moški ni pošast, kot so jo vedno prepričevali. Še huje je, ugotovi, da se ji zdi privlačen...hrepeni po njegovem dotiku. Kako naj pomiri te intenzivne občutke do moškega, ki ji je uničil življenje?

Prvi roman v razburljivi novi zbirki Beyond the Gods je Nectar of the Gods, fantazijska romantika bogata z Grško mitologijo in strastjo, ki vas bo pustila brez sape.

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For the first time in ages, I woke up alone. One might think a woman who had spent months sharing her bed with countless strangers would be relieved at the change. I was troubled to find that I was suffocated by the empty space next to me. I only let myself linger in the sheets for a moment before I needed to get away from the feeling of emptiness.
But the disheartening dark cloud chased me as I wrapped myself up in the sheets and paced the room. Catching a glimpse of myself in the full-length mirror hiding in the corner was sobering. My eyes were glassy and hazed. My spirit was missing from them and had been replaced by throbbing red lines left behind by my night of tearful realization.
My newfound weakness was disgusting and terrifying at once. I tried to think back, to find the point where I had first become so desperately lonely. There was a time when I’d been completely indifferent to any company. The love of a man was the last thing I’d wanted, and I had guarded myself fiercely against it. I had always preferred to be alone.
Well, I supposed that was not completely true. When I was a child, I’d longed for the company of others to play with. I dreamed of escaping the prison of lessons and studies. Instead of learning to sharpen swords, I wished with all of my heart for another person my age to play pirates with using pretend ones.
I mourned for the confident, complete woman I had lost so suddenly. When had I become this lost, dejected little girl all over again?
I pointed a critical stare at my reflection. From the day I’d met Perseus, I had seen the savage destruction love had left him with. It was the kind of pain a shield couldn’t protect against. Almost all the men who frequented the tavern wore the same shattered mask, and now, without a choice at all, I wore it, too.


MARY BERNSEN is a southwest Florida native currently living in North Port with her two beautiful children and a third, much larger child that she affectionately calls husband. She is the Amazon Best Selling Author of Healing The Bayou, The Ganga Shift, and Beyond the Gods series.
She also writes young adult romances under her pseudonym, M.E. Rhines.

MARY BERNSEN je rojena v jugozahodni Floridi, trenutno živi v North Port z dvema prelepima otrokoma in tretjim večjim otrokom, ki ga ljubkovalno kliče mož. Je najbolje prodajana pisateljica na Amazonu, njene uspešnice so Healing the Bayou, The Ganga Shift in zbirka Beyond the Gods.
Piše tudi mladinske romane pod psevdonimom M.E. Rhines.

You can find out more about Mary online (Več o Mary lahko najdete na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 



CleanTeen Publishing Mystery Box (Intl winner would get eBook prizes) - ends Dec 7th

This sound interesting. Deluje zanimiva.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

torek, 28. november 2017


NOW AVAILABLE from USA Today bestselling author, Chelle Bliss, comes the Takeover Duet.

NA VOLJO je nova knjiga najbolj prodajane pisateljice Chelle Bliss, iz zbirke Takeover Duet.



Title (Naslov): MERGER
Author (Avtor): Chelle Bliss
Takeover Duet Book #2
Genre (kategorija): Romantic Suspense (napeta romantika), Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)



Antonio Forte has always put business before pleasure, but ever since he met the gorgeous CEO of Interstellar Corp, he finds himself wanting both. And he's hoping she won't be able to refuse his latest offer.

Lauren Bradley knows how to survive as a woman in a man's world - trust no one. Especially handsome, smooth-talking men who make her panties melt with a single glance like Antonio. But his offer is almost as tempting as he is.

Sometimes to gain it all, you have to give up everything...

Antonio Forte je vedno postavljal posel pred užitkom, vendar ko je spoznal čudovito CEO iz Interstellar Corp, si je želel oboje. Upal je, da ne bo zavrnila njegove zadnje ponudbe.

Lauren Bradley je vedela kako lahko ženska preživi v moškem svetu - ne zaupaj nobenemu! Izjema so čedni, dobičkonosni moški, ki z enim samim pogledom povzročijo, da so njene hlačke vlažne, tako kot Antonio. Ampak njegova ponudba je tako mamljiva kot on.

Včasih moraš obupati vse, da lahko dosežeš več...


MERGER - Book #2 - Now Live




TAKEOVER - prequel

He's my worst enemy, but the man I can't stop thinking about. It was only supposed to be a night and nothing more. #EnemiesToLovers

On je moj največji sovražnik in moški na katerega ne morem nehati misliti. Mišljena je bila samo ena noč in nič več.


The FREE Takeover novella features BONUS content not available anywhere else and an EXTENDED 10k word sneak peek of Acquisition, book 1 in the Takeover Duet!

Novela Takoever, ki je zastonj ima posebni bonus. Vsebina ni na voljo povsod, povečana je na 10k besed vpogleda v Acquisition, 1. knjigo v zbirki Takeover Duet!


A Today bestselling author CHELLE BLISS currently lives in a small town near the Gulf of Mexico. She's a full-time writer, time-waster extraordinaire, social media addict, and coffee fiend. She's written over ten books and has two series available. She loves spending her free time with her boyfriend, 2 cats, and her hamster.
Before becoming a writer, Chelle taught high school history for over ten years. She holds a master's degree in Instructional Technology and a bachelor's in History. Although history is her first love, writing has become her dream job and she can't imagine doing anything else.

Najbolj prodajana pisateljica CHELLE BLISS trenutno živi v majhnem mestu blizu Mehiškega zaliva. Je pisateljica, potratnica časa, odvisna je od socialnih omrežjih in kavna iztirjenka. Napisala je okrog deset knjig in dve zbirki. Svoj prosti čas rada preživlja s svojim fantom, dvema mačkama in hrčkom.
Preden je Chelle postala pisateljica, je deset let poučevala zgodovino na srednji šoli. Naredila je magisterij iz Tehnologije poučevanja in bila diplomantka zgodovine. Čeprav je zgodovina njena prva ljubezen, je pisanje postalo njena sanska služba in ne predstavlja si, da bi počela kaj drugega. 

Connect with Chelle (Chelle lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

Can't wait to read it! Komaj čakam, da jo preberem!
Love you all, Knjigoljubka Maja


Lips Close to Mine, an all-new sexy STANDALONE romance from Robin Bielman is available now!

Lips Close to Mine nova seksi samostojna romanca pisateljice Robin Bielman je na voljo!

Title (Naslov): Lips Close to Mine
Author (Avtor): Robin Bielman
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): November 20th (20. november)


I wasn’t supposed to see Levi Pierce ever again. A few months ago, he charmed the pants off me and we spent one incredible night together.
End of story.
Only it wasn’t. Pretty soon everywhere I turn, I see him. Our best friends are dating. My mother mistakenly—and happily—thinks he’s my plus-one to my cousin’s wedding. And he’s the guy I have to work with on the most important job opportunity of my life.
Here’s my problem: I like Levi. I like his killer smile and his dreamboat eyes and definitely the way he makes me feel in bed. But I’ve sworn off relationships. So when the sexual tension reaches epic proportions and we fall back into bed together, I tell myself it’s temporary. When I start to feel more, I tell myself it’s over.
Only Levi isn’t a forget-it kind of guy. When his lips are close to mine and he swears he’s always wanted me, my defenses disappear. But some things in life just aren’t meant to be.
Or are they?

Nikoli več nisem želela videti Levija Piercea. Pred nekaj meseci me je očaral in skupaj sva preživela neverjetno noč.
Konec zgodbe.
Ampak ni bilo tako. Kmalu sem ga videla povsod. Najina najboljša prijatelja sta hodila. Moja mama je po pomoti - in srečno - mislila, da je on moj partner na sestričini poroki. Povrhu vsega pa je on še fant, s katerim moram delati v najbolj pomembni službi mojega življenja.
Moj problem je naslednji: Levi mi je všeč. Obožujem njegov smrtonosni nasmeh ter njegove privlačne oči. Najbolj pa obožujem občutek, ki mi ga nudi v postelji. Ampak jaz sem se zaprisegla, da ne bom imela resne zveze. Ko se je med nama znašla seksualna napetost in sva ponovno končala v postelji, sem si rekla, da je samo začasno. Ko sem začela čutiti več, sem si rekla, da je konec.
Ampak Levi ni fant, ki ga lahko pozabiš. Ko se njegove ustnice približajo mojim in mi priseže, da si me je vedno želel, moja obramba izgine. Nekatere stvari v življenju se ne bi smele zgoditi.
Ali se lahko?


“What do you say we open that champagne then skinny-dip in the fountain?” I ask, releasing my seat belt. That I’m dying to Harper her naked again might have something to do with my suggestion, too.
            She searches my eyes for clues I’m serious. I help her out. “Unless you’re chicken.”
            With a straight face, she unclicks her seat belt, picks up the bottle of champagne and proceeds to pop the cork like a champ. She takes a swig, her full lips wrapped around the bottle, her eyes never leaving mine. My dick twitches as I imagine her gorgeous mouth sucking me deep. Full disclosure: I’ve been picturing this every damn night for the past two months.
            “Your turn.” She hands me the bottle as her tongue licks across her full bottom lip. If she’s trying to torture me, it’s working.
            Our fingers brush when I accept the Dom Perignon, and once again, the small, effortless touch isn’t enough. I take a small gulp of the sparkling drink, mindful I’m driving. When finished, I pass it back. “So, your cousin said something interesting to me tonight.”
            I laugh. The harder Harper tries to keep me at arm’s length, the more her family tries to draw me in. “Since you’re sitting at the head table during the wedding reception, she wanted me to know I’ll be sitting with your brothers.”
            She chokes on the champagne. “What the hell? I never RSVP’d you were my plus-one.”
            “Your mom did.”
            Harper’s head falls back against the seat, chin up, eyes closed. “That woman is impossible. I’ll tell them you’re not coming to the wedding.”
            “I don’t mind.”
            “I do.”
            “All right. Whatever you want.”
            “That’s it? Just like that, you’re not coming now?” She shifts positions, drawing her legs up so she’s sitting on them and facing me. I hadn’t noticed that she’d slipped off her shoes.
            “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable around your family.”
            “You don’t do that.”
            “You sure? I think I do.”
            “No. You don’t. Not even a little. But…”
            “But what?”
            “I did tell my mom I had a date so she wouldn’t bug me about it. I was planning to find a random guy to go with me, so I guess since she thinks it’s you…” She takes a drink, extends me the bottle.
            I put my palm over my heart. “How magnanimous of you.”
            “I know,” she teases. “Don’t you forget it.”
            “So I am going to the wedding?”


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When not attached to her laptop, USA Today Bestselling Author and RITA Finalist, ROBIN BIELMAN can almost always be found with her nose in a book. A California girl, the beach is her favorite place for fun and inspiration. Her fondness for swoon-worthy heroes who flirt and stumble upon the girl they can’t live without jumpstarts most of her story ideas. 

She loves to go on adventures, and has skydived, scuba dived, parasailed, gotten lost in the wilderness (and only suffered a gazillion bug bites for it) hiked to waterfalls, and swam with dolphins. In her spare time she also likes to put her treadmill to good use while watching her favorite TV shows, take hikes with her hubby, indulge her sweet tooth, and play sock tug of war with her cute, but sometimes naughty dog, Harry. 
She dreams of traveling to faraway places and loves to connect with readers. Keep in touch at all of her social media spots!

Ko ROBIN BIELMAN ne dela na računalniku, potem verjetno tiči svoj nos v knjigi. Kalifornijsko dekle, katere najljubše mesto za zabavo in inspiracijo je plaža. Naklonjena je plemenitim junakom, ki se spogledujejo z dekleti, ki ne morejo živeti brez visokega starta, kar je tudi največkrat ideja njunih zgodb.
Rada hodi na dogodivščine športnega padalstva, športnega potapljanja, vodnega slaloma parasailing. Rada se izgubi v divjini (trpi od ugriza hrošča), pleza po vodnem slapu in plava z delfini. V prostem času gre rada na tekaško stezo, med gledanjem svojih priljubljenih televizijskih nanizank, hodi na pohode z možem, razvaja svoje sladke zobe, s svojim psom Harryjem se igra igro Sock tug of war. 
Sanja o potovanju v oddaljene kraje in rada se poveže s svojimi bralci. Bodi v stiku z njo na njenih družbenih omrežjih!

Connect with Robin (povežite se z Robin): 
Twitter: @RobinBielman

Stay up to date with Robin by singning up for newsletter:

The cover is so hot! Naslovnica je zelo vroča!
Happy day, Knjigoljubka Maja

nedelja, 26. november 2017


Ali ste že slišali za Book Fairies oz. knjižne vile po slovensko? Danes vam bom predstavila kaj so knjižne vile.

Book Fairies je mednarodna organizacija, katere namen je deljenje knjig povsod po svetu. Knjige puščajo zato, da jih bralci lahko naključno najdejo, preberejo in potem ponovno nekje naključno pustijo, da jo najde naslednji bralec ali bralka. V Book Fairies se je vključil ves svet in tako se knjige puščajo povsod po svetu. Vključijo se bralci, ki želijo knjige deliti z drugimi bralci. 

Namen organizacije Book Fairies je, da bi ljudje več brali.

Na idejo Book Fairies je prišla Cordelia in sicer od Book Crossing-a. Začetek Book Fairies je bil marca letos (dan žena), ko je Emma Watson (Hermione iz filma Harry Potter) skrivala knjige iz njenega feminističnega bralnega kluba. 22. junija letos pa je Emma Watson v Parizu pomagala skriti 100 podpisanih knjig The Handmaids Tale (Deklina zgodba) pisateljice Margaret Atwood.

Book Fairies se je vključila tudi Slovenija in zaenkrat sodeluje okrog 100 držav. Trenutno je pri nas to še bolj malo poznano, vendar upam in mislim, da bo kmalu postalo bolj prepoznavno ter dobimo več knjižnih vil tudi pri nas. Trenutno je uradna vila za Slovenijo Nastja, ki pušča knjige v Ljubljani in Novi Gorici. Ona skrbi tudi za slovenske spletne strani Book Fairies, kjer jo lahko tudi kontaktirajte (linki so navedeni na koncu objave).

Če boste pobrali kakšno knjigo od slovenske ali katere druge vile, ji to sporočite. Lahko ji sporočite na družbenem omrežju, kjer jo označite in uporabite hashtag #ibelieveinbookfairies. Knjigo nato preberete in jo ponovno nekje odložite, da jo bo našel drug bralec ali bralka. Pomembno je, da je knjiga v gibanju. Vsakič, ko jo najdete ali odložite, morate to sporočiti oz. objaviti na profilu Instagram (ali drugim). Uporabite hashtag #ibelieveinbookfairies, da ljudje lažje vidijo kje se knjiga skriva.

Vsak lahko postane Book Fairy oz. knjižna vila. Tudi vi. Pridružite se tako, da obiščete spletno stran Book Fairies, kjer naročite nalepke za knjige. Nato pošljete email na bookfairyemail@gmail.com. Lahko pa se javite na slovenskih družbenih omrežjih Book Fairies (linki na koncu objave) in vam bo pomagala slovenska knjižna vila.
Poleg nalepk, lahko v njihovi spletni trgovini naročite tudi druge proizvode.

Na nalepki je zapis:
"Take this book, read it, then leave it for the next person to enjoy"
Kar pomeni, da knjigo vzemi s sabo, jo preberi in pusti nekje, da jo pobere druga oseba in v njej uživa.

Se pa organizaciji počasi pridružujejo tudi slavni. Prva dva sta bila Ryan Gosling in David Beckham, ki sta naključno spustila knjigi. Ryan je odložil knjigo The Notebook (Beležnica), v katerem filmu je tudi upodobil glavnega junaka. David pa je v New Yorku skril avtobiografijo Chrisa Packhama. 
Pridruži se tudi ti!

Če vas zanima kakšni so naslednji projekti Book Fairies, si to lahko preberete na njihovem blogu

Profili Book Fairies na družbenih omrežjih:

Vir fotografij v objavi sta Facebook strani Book Fairies World in Book Fairies Slovenia.

Kaj si mislite o Book Fairies? Bi poskusili postati knjižna vila?
Lp, Knjigoljubka Maja