četrtek, 29. marec 2018


Title (Naslov): Come A Little Closer
Author (Avtor): Kim Karr
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)

Release day: March 28, 2018 (28. marec 2018)


I haven’t always been this bad…

Up until recently, I was the kind of girl who wore white cotton panties and bent at the knees rather than the waist.

Pomp and circumstance changed all that.
Jaxson Cassidy was my first taste of bad, and I liked it more than I should have. Just not in the way I was meant to. I couldn’t help myself though. I found him irresistible. That sexy grin, those skilled fingers, and that dirty, dirty mouth were a lethal combination.

I wasn’t supposed to want him. I wasn’t supposed to let him put his hands on me. I wasn’t supposed to do a lot of things…but I did.

He wants to keep me close.
I should push him away.

He says he can help me.
I’m not so sure.

For some reason, he thinks there’s good left in me.
What if he’s wrong?

Everyone knows a good boy can’t turn a bad girl around.
Everyone knows it’s always the other way.
Everyone…except him.

Nisem bila vedno tako slaba...
Še nedavno sem bila dekle, ki je nosila bele bombažne hlačke in raje pokleknila na kolena kot na pas.

Razkošje in okoliščine so to spremenile.
Jaxson Cassidy je bil moj prvi okus slabega in imela sem ga raje kot bi ga morala imeti. Samo ne tako kot sem mislila. Ampak nisem si mogla pomagati. Bil je neobvladljiv. Ta seksi nasmeh, ti izurjeni prsti in ta poredna, poredna usta so bili smrtonosna kombinacija.

Nisem si ga smela želeti. Nisem smela dopustiti, da položi svoje roke name. Nisem smela dopustiti veliko stvari...ampak sem.

Želel si me je obdržati blizu.
Morala bi ga potisniti stran.

Rekel je, da mi lahko pomaga.
Nisem prepričana.

Iz nekega razloga misli, da je v meni nekaj dobrega.
Kaj če se moti?

Vsi vedo, da dober fant ne more spremeniti slabega dekleta.
Vsi vedo, da je po navadi obratno.
Vsi...razen on.

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Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner

Bralka * Ljubiteljica čokolade * Pisateljica * Romantična * Ljubiteljica plaže * Začetnica joge

KIM KARR is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life.
Her romances are raw, real, and explosive.
Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel.
And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy.
From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered business woman. No two storylines are ever alike.
Get ready to fall in love.

KIM KARR je najbolj prodajana pisateljica, ki je napisala osemnajst romanov. Poznana je po seksi sodobnih ljubezenskih zgodbah. Uživa, ko prikaže svoje like z resničnimi problemi.
Njene romance so surove, realne in eksplozivne.
Njeni liki vas bodo nasmejali, spravili v jok, vas pripravili, da jih boste čutili.
Njen "srečno za vedno" je vreden omedlevice.
Od rock zveznikov do arogantnih milijonarjev. Od mladega dekleta v stiski do vplivnih poslovnih žensk. Niti dve zgodbi si nista podobni.
Pripravite se, da se zaljubite.

Connect with Kim (Kim lahko spremljate na njenih spletnih straneh): 

The cover is gorgeous. Naslovnica je čudovita.
Enjoy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

sreda, 28. marec 2018


Title (Naslov): Misadventures with my Roommate
Author (Avtor): Elizabeth Hayley
Genre (Kategorija): Romance (romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): 27th March, 2018 (27. marec 2018)

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Blake Monroe hasn’t had the easiest life, but she’s never been one to dwell on her misfortunes, preferring to see the world as a place where you get what you give.

Having had an especially troubling childhood, Blake’s aware she doesn’t exactly fit the definition of “normal.” Her lack of filter, dry sense of humor, and uncanny ability to read people make her rather unique—and difficult to live with. When her latest roommate has had enough of her antics, Blake decides living with a man might suit her better.

Gavin Gibson’s a dreamer whose artsy aspirations don’t meet the high expectations of his wealthy family. Cast off and cut off, Gavin needs a place to live. When he’s invited to share Blake’s quaint apartment, he cannot pass it up. With a knack for spotting the good in others, Gavin can see past Blake’s quirks—and neither of them can ignore their sexual chemistry.

As sparks fly, their genuine affection for each other grows, and Gavin begins to break down Blake’s defenses. But can Blake open up to reveal the damage she’s worked so hard to conceal?

Blake Monroe ni imela lahko življenje, ampak ona ni take vrste, da bi se s tem obremenjevala, raje gleda na življenje kot svet kjer dobiš tisto kar daješ.

Ker je Blake imela težko otroštvo, zase pravi, da ni normalna. Njen poseben smisel za humor in neverjetna sposobnost branja ljudi, jo dela edinstveno- in težko je živeti s tem. Ko je njena sostanovalka imela dovolj njenih norčij, se je Blake odločila živeti z moškim, ki bi ji bolj ustrezal.

Gavin Gibson je sanjač katerega umetniške navade nimajo visokih pričakovanj njegove družine. Zavržen in odrezan, Gavin potrebuje prostor za življenje. Ko ga je Blake povabila v svoje stanovanje, se ni mogel upreti osvajanju. S svojo spretnostjo opazovanja dobrot v ostalih ljudeh, si Gavin lahko ogleda preteklost njenih nenavadnosti. Noben od njiju ne more ignorirati njune seksualne privlačnosti.

Ko iskre letijo, njuna naklonjenost do drug drugega raste. Gavin začenja lomiti Blakenino obrambo. Ali se Blake lahko odpre in razkrije svojo škodo, ki jo je toliko časa prikrivala?



Find all Misadventures series here (celotno zbirko najdete tukaj):
The Misadventures Series


ELIZABETH HAYLEY is actually "Elizabeth" and "Hayley," two friends who love reading romance novels to obsessive levels. This mutual love prompted them to put their English degrees to good use by penning their own. The product is Pieces of Perfect, their debut novel. They learned a ton about one another through the process, like how they clearly share a brain and have a persistent need to text each other constantly (much to their husbands' chagrin).

ELIZABETH HAYLEY sta v bistvu dve pisateljici "Elizabeth" in "Hayley". Dve prijateljici, ki radi bereta romantične romane. Ta medsebojna ljubezen ju je spodbudila, da svoje znanje dobro izkoristita in združita pisateljske sposobnosti. Njun produkt je Pieces of Perfect, njun roman. Med procesom sta ogromno izvedeli druga o drugi, tudi kako podobno delujejo njuni možgani in da imata konstantno potrebo po pisanju sporočil druga drugi (razočaranje njunih mož).

Connect with Elizabeth Hayley (Elizabeth Hayley lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

torek, 27. marec 2018


Title (Naslov): Soft Wear
Hot Alpha Billionaire, Book 3
Author (Avtor): Marilyn Lakewood
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance, Erotic (sodobna romantika, erotika)


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A hardcore Dominant meets a sweet submissive...
He knows he'll never forget.
She wishes she could remember.

After Paige Morgan crashes her car on a mountain road, she doesn’t remember anything about her life—certainly not the dark-haired pilot who rescues her and claims he was hired to protect her.  All she knows is that Luc Travers’ rugged good looks tie her tongue in knots and ramp her pulse into overdrive. Lost in more ways than one, Paige accepts Luc’s help and the sanctuary of his mountain cabin where thoughts of submitting to her rescuer’s sexy dominance fuels her darkest fantasies. Yet as threats from her past become real, Luc may hold the key to her life… and her heart.  

When private investigator and experienced dominant, Luc Travers, is hired to protect a lovely auburn-haired submissive, he knows the job will get personal.  Paige Morgan had him locked and loaded from day one, and he’s determined to keep her, whatever it takes…but claiming his girl won’t be easy. There’s the little problem of amnesia and threats to her life. He must resist the attraction while keeping her close, clashing professional ethics against private desires, and testing his control like nothing else.
With danger closing in, and everything he loves at stake, no force on earth will stop Luc from protecting what’s his. 

Dominanten moški sreča čedno podrejeno...
Ve, da ne bo nikoli pozabil.
Ona si želi, da bi si zapomnila.

Ko Paige Morgan doživi prometno nesrečo na gorski cesti, se ne spomni ničesar iz svojega življenja.  Tudi temnolasega pilota, ki jo reši in trdi, da je bil najet, da jo zaščiti ne. Vse kar ve je, da Luc Travers močno dobro zgleda, zato se ji zapleta jezik in ji podivja pulz. Izgubljena v večih poteh, Paige sprejme Lucasovo pomoč in zatočišče njegove gorske koče, kjer misli podrejenega odnosa do njenega rešitelja prevladajo v temačne fantazije. Grožnje iz njene preteklosti postanejo resnične, Luc pa ima ključ do njenega življenja...in njenega srca.

Ko je privatni preiskovalec in izkušenj dominantnež Luc travers najet, da zaščiti čudovito rjavolaso podrejeno, ve da bo ta služba osebna. Paige Morgan ga je zaklenila in naložila že prvi dan in bil je odločen, da jo bo varoval za karkoli je potrebno.... Vendar trdijo, da njegovo dekle ni enostavno. Problem je mala amnezija in grožnje njenega življenja. Mora se upreti privlačnosti in ohraniti profesionalnost pred osebnimi željami. Z nevarnostjo, ki se približuje in vsem kar obožuje, ga ne bo nobena sila na zemlji ustavila, da bi zaščitil kar je njegovega.



Reading to Paige while she snuggled innocently against his side, turned out to be hell. Luc had to keep the book open over his lap. His cock didn’t care about the story, it only wanted to escape and touch any part of Paige’s sweet little body.
So far, the tip of his erection had stayed wedged under his belt, but it seemed eager to communicate as if to say, “Excuse me, little sub, if you’re going to sit so close, you need to wrap your hands or lips around me and…”
Luc frowned at the book and paused reading. The words made no sense to his distracted, bloodless brain. He drew a calming breath and tamped down his frustration.
“What happens next?” Paige pointed to the open page. “The hero is creeping down the dark corridor… and what happens?”
Luc had a damn good idea of what could happen next, but it had nothing to do with the story. “He steals the secret documents and escapes the enemy’s stronghold.”
“Did you just tell me the end?” She squinted up at him, her face mere inches from his chin.
“Possibly.” When he tipped his head down, he focused on her eyes, not her lips, but arousal still roughened his voice. “I haven’t finished this book yet.”
She raised a russet brow at him. “It doesn’t sound like you want to finish either. You’re growling.”
“Not at you.”
“The book? I didn’t think it was that bad.”
“It has redeeming qualities.” It covered his lap, for one. He couldn’t judge the story. Right now, all he could think about was getting this woman under him and his cock inside her. “Paige…it’s time to call it a night.”
“I guess so.” She sat up and glanced at the clock. “Wow, it is getting late.”
Luc stood and held out his hand. “I’ll walk you up.”
“Thanks.” She gripped his hand, and he gently tugged her to her feet. “That was nice listening to you. You have a really great voice.”
“I used to read to Jen while Mom fixed dinner.” He led Paige up the stairs.
“Was your mom a good cook?”
“No, terrible—but she tried hard and was so loving, we ate whatever she made with a smile.” Luc stopped at her bedroom door and focused on Paige’s eyes. Do not look at her mouth. Do not kiss her. Do. Not.
“Aww, how sweet.” Her beautiful lips parted in a soft smile, and she sighed. “I wish…”
Oh, hell. That mouth… so kissable… so fuckable. He forced his gaze up and caught her glancing at his mouth. Yeah, he was screwed, and not in a good way. “What do you wish?”
 She met his eyes, a blush tinting her cheeks. “Honestly?”
“Never lie to me.” He knew she’d done exactly that the first day when she’d tried to convince him she remembered who she was. Although he understood her instinctive need to cover a vulnerability and protect herself, now she knew him better, and he’d only accept the truth.
“Okay.” Her throat moved when she swallowed. “The first wish was that I had a family like yours, a place filled with love and laughter. Then I looked at your mouth and wished you would kiss me.” She looked down. “I know it’s wrong, but I had this need for you to just take me in your arms.”
“It isn’t wrong, but I won’t do that. Not until you know who you are and understand what I’ll demand from you.”



MARILYN LAKEWOOD and her husband live in the northwest U.S., not too far from the Canadian border. She thinks the long, cold winters are perfect “writing weather.” Most of the time, she doesn’t mind the short days, or the snow—except when she needs to drive in a blizzard, in the dark. 
Marilyn started writing sexy stories “just for fun” and she’ll joyously admit she’s obsessed with creating hard-core dominant heroes and happily-ever-after endings. 
Writing erotic romance lets her explore love, passion, and sex, through the lens of different characters and settings. It’s also a way to keep her imagination kindled during the September to March “cold snap.” Marilyn loves music, flowers, sci-fi and romance movies, and taking daily walks with Precious, her rescued dog. 
She’s a country girl at heart, and although she imagines travelling to distant, romantic shores, her favorite place is home with her family.

MARILYN LAKEWOOD in njen mož živita v severozahodni Ameriki, vendar ne predaleč od Kanadske meje. Ona misli, da so dolge, mrzle zime perfektno vreme za pisanje. Večinoma časa ne misli na kratke dneve in sneg- izjema je ko mora voziti po snežnem viharju ali v temi.
Marlyn je začela pisati seksi zgodbe iz zabave in nagajivo si je priznala, da je obsedena z ustvarjanjem dominantnih junakov in srečnih koncev.
Pisanje erotičnih romanov ji je pomagalo raziskati ljubezen, strast in seks, skozi različne karakterje in dogajanja. Je tudi odlični način, da svojo domišljijo zaposli med mrzlim obdobjem od septembra do marca. Marlyn obožuje glasbo, rože, znanstveno fantastične in romantične filme ter dolge sprehode s svojih dragocenim reševalnim psom.
Po srcu je podeželsko dekle in čeprav misli o oddaljenih potovanjih ter romantičnih obalah, je njen najljubši kraj njen dom z njeno družino. 

Visit Marlyn at (Marlyn lahko obiščete na povezavah): 

Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

petek, 23. marec 2018


Title (Naslov): With This Man
Series (Zbirka): This Man #4
Author (Avtor): Jodi Ellen Malpas
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)
Publication date (Datum izida): March 20, 2018 (20. marec 2018)


Jesse Ward is back in the newest novel in the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling This Man series!

Life is good for Jesse 'The Lord' Ward. Perfect, actually. He still has the charm, he's in great shape, and he still reduces his wife, Ava, to a pool of desire with a mere look. He's in full control, just how he likes it.

But Jesse's perfect world falls apart when a terrible accident lands Ava in hospital with a life-threatening head injury. Devastated and angry, he feels like his entire existence hangs in the balance. He cannot survive without this woman's love. So when she finally comes around, his shaking world begins to level out. But his nightmare doesn't end there. It's only just begun. Because his wife can't remember the last sixteen years of her life. That's all of him. All of their time together. He is a stranger to her.

Now Jesse must do whatever it takes to find her memories . . . and help her fall madly, passionately in love with him all over again.

Jesse Ward je nazaj v najnovejši knjigi ene izmed najbolj prodajane zbirke Ta moški.

Za Jessija Warda je življenje lepo. Pravzaprav perfektno. Še vedno ima svoj šarm, je v odlični formi. S svojim videzom še vedno zapeljuje svojo ženo Avo. Ima popolni nadzor, tako kot si on želi.

Vendar Jessiejev popolni svet razpade, ko Ava zaradi grozne nesreče pristane v bolnišnici s smrtno nevarno poškodbo glave. Poponoma poklapan in jezen čuti, da obstane v ravnotežju. Ne more preživeti brez njene ljubezni. Ko ona končno pride k sebi, se njegov svet ponovno vzravna. Ampak njegove nočne more se ne končajo. Šele začenjajo se. Njegova žena se ne spomni zadnjih šestnajst let življenja. To je vse od njega. Vse njuno skupno življenje. On je njej popoln neznanec.

Jesse mora naredi vse, da se ji bo spomin povrnil...in ji pomagati, da se bo ponovno noro in strastno zaljubila v njega.


Read Today! (Beri še danes!)


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JODI ELLEN MALPAS wrote her debut series, The This Man Trilogy, in secret, worried about what people might think if they knew what her imagination was capable of. She was shocked herself. But she finally found the courage to unleash her creative streak and self-published THIS MAN – the first book of the This Man Trilogy – in October 2012. She took a chance on the story with a hero who soon became one of modern day fictions most prolific alpha male characters. Jesse Ward – also affectionately known as The Lord of The Manor, sparked incredible reactions from women across the globe and catapulted Jodi into the world of women’s fiction.
Jodi went on to self-publish the second book in the trilogy, Beneath This Man in Jan 2013, just before Grand Central Publishing, part of the Hachette Book Group, picked up the popular trilogy and the unknown Jodi. The third book of the trilogy, This Man Confessed, took Jodi to the top of the bestsellers lists, earning her the proud title of #1 New York Times Bestselling Author. This Man has since been voted one of the top romance novels of all time. 
With so much love, enthusiasm and a thirst for her words from her readers, Jodi suddenly wasn’t afraid of her imagination anymore. She went on to write The One Night Trilogy with the delectable and mysterious Miller Hart, and stole the hearts of her readers once again. Her first stand-alone novel, THE PROTECTOR, released in September 2016 and has since been nominated for a Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award. Jodi’s next stand-alone novel. THE FORBIDDEN, is set for release in August 2017. 
All seven of her published novels have hit the New York Times best sellers list – as well as the Sunday Times list and various international best seller lists. Her work is now published in over 24 languages across the world. 
Jodi was born and raised in the Midlands town of Northampton, England, where she lives with her two boys and a beagle. She is a self-professed daydreamer, a mojito addict, is famous for her obsession with Converse, and has a terrible weak spot for Alpha Males. Writing powerful love stories and creating addictive characters has become her passion – a passion she now shares with her devoted readers.

JODI ELLEN MALPAS je napisala svojo najbolj uspešno zbirko Ta moški v skrivnosti in skrbeh kaj bi si ljudje mislili, če bi vedeli za to njeno domišljijo. Sama sebe je šokirala. Oktobra 2010 je končno zbrala pogum in objavila prvo knjigo v zbirki Ta moški v samozaložbi. Tvegala je in objavila zgodbo z junakom, ki je kmalu postal popularen alfa moški lik v knjižnem svetu. Jesse Ward je dobil neverjetne odzive po celem svetu in porinil Jodi v svet ženskih romanov.
Jodi je nadaljevala v samozaložbi in januarja 2013 izdala drugo knjigo Pod tem moškim, tik preden je Grand Central Publishing izbrala popularno trilogijo in nepoznano Jodi. Po tretji knjigi, Ta moški se izpove, je Jodi pristala  na vrhu med najbolj prodajanimi pisateljicami in osvojila naziv New York Times Bestselling Author. Ta moški je bil izbran med top romantičnimi romani današnjega časa.
 Z vso to ljubeznijo, entuziazmom in željo po še večjem uspehu, se Jodi ni več bala svoje domišljije predstaviti svetu. Napisala je trilogijo Ena noč z očarljivim in skrivnostnim Millerjem Hartom, ki je ponovno osvojil srca njenih bralcev. Njen prvi samostojni roman Zaščitnik je izšel septembra 2016 in bil nominiral za nagrado Reviewers' Choice Best Book Award. Njen naslednji samostojen roman je bil The Forbidden in je izšel avgusta 2017.
Vseh sedem knjig je pristalo med najbolj prodajanimi knjigami in se uvrstilo na številne knjižne lestvice. Njena dela so objavljena v 24-tih jezikih po celem svetu.
Jodi je bila rojena v kraju Midlands v Northamptonu v Angliji, kjer trenutno živi s svojima dvema sinovoma in beaglom. Je sanjačica, odvisna od mojita in, obsedena s Converse. Njena šibka točka so alfa moški. Pisati močne ljubezenske zgodbe in ustvarjati odvisne junake je postalo njena strast - strast, ki jo danes deli s svojimi predanimi bralci.

Connect with Jodi (Jodi lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Do you like Jesse ward? Vam je všeč Jesse Ward?
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja

četrtek, 22. marec 2018


The Swedish Prince, an all-new emotional standalone by Karina Halle is now LIVE!

The Swedish Prince, nova čustvena samostojna knjiga pisateljice Karine Halle je že na voljo!

Author (Avtor): Karina Halle
Genre (Kategorija): Contemporary Romance (sodobna romantika)


I never believed in fairy-tales.
Never held out for Prince Charming.
Growing up poor in small-town California as the oldest of six siblings, I knew I would never ride off into the sunset with anyone. That was even more apparent when a senseless tragedy took the lives of my parents, forcing me to become the sole guardian of our dysfunctional household at the mere age of twenty-three.
Then a fateful encounter literally brought Prince Charming to my dusty doorstep.
At first I thought Viktor was just your average businessman passing through, albeit obscenely handsome, six-foot-five, blue-eyed, and mysteriously rich.
But soon I discovered the truth behind Viktor’s façade.
Beneath his quiet, enigmatic gaze and cocky charm, is a man who is running away from who he really is. A role he’d rather not fulfill.
He is Viktor of House Nordin, His Royal Highness, The Crown Prince of Sweden.
Yet uncovering Viktor’s secret was only the first step.
I didn’t expect to fall in love with him.
I didn’t expect to have my whole life turned upside down.
When you’re from two different worlds, can your hearts meet somewhere in the middle?
Or do happily-ever-afters only exist in fairy-tales?
The Swedish Prince is a standalone romance inspired by Roman Holiday.

Nikoli nisem verjela v pravljice.
Nikoli nisem iskala šarmantnega princa.
Odrasla sem v revnem majhnem mestecu v Carolini in bila najstarejša od šestih sorojencev. Vedela sem, da ne bom nikoli jezdila na belem konju proti sončnemu zahodu. To je bilo še bolj očitno potem, ko mi je pri triindvajsetih letih tragedija vzela starše in me prisilila, da postanem odgovorna za naše gospodinjstvo.
Nato mi je usoda pripeljala Šarmantnega princa na moj prag.
Sprva sem mislila, da je bil Victor samo povprečni poslovnež, ki je šel mimo, čeprav je bil lep, visok, z modrimi očmi in skrivnostno bogat.
Ampak kmalu sem ugotovila resnico o Victorju.
Za tihim skrivnostnim pogledom in domišljavim šarmom, se skriva mož, ki beži pred samim sabo. Pred funkcijo, ki je raje ne bi izpolnil.
On je Victor iz Hiše Nordin, Njegovo Visoko Veličanstvo, Švedski Prestolonaslednik.
Odkritje Viktorjeve skrivnosti je bil šele prvi korak.
Nisem pričakovala, da se bom zaljubila vanj.
Nisem pričakovala, da si bom celo življenje obrnila na glavo.
Ali se lahko najdeta na sredini dva, ki sta iz popolnoma različnih svetov?
Ali pa Srečno za vedno obstaja samo v pravljicah?
The Swedish Prince je samostojna romanca napisana po Roman Holiday.


Read The Swedish Prince today!
(Preberi knjigo še danes!)

Free with Kindle Unlimited!

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KARINA HALLE is a former travel writer and music journalist and The New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling author of The Pact, Love, in English, The Artists Trilogy, Dirty Angels and over 20 other wild and romantic reads. She lives on an island off the coast of British Columbia with her husband and her rescue pup, where she drinks a lot of wine, hikes a lot of trails and devours a lot of books. 
Halle is represented by the Root Literary and is both self-published and published by Simon & Schuster and Hachette in North America and in the UK.

KARINA HALLE je nekdanja potopiska, glasbena novinarka in najbolj prodajana pisateljica na lestvicah The New York Times, Wall Street Journal ter Today Bestselling. Napisala je knjige The Pact, Love, in English, The Artists Trilogy, Dirty Angels in še več kot 20 divjih in romantičnih knjig. Živi na otoku ob obali Britanske Kolumbije skupaj z možem in njenim reševalnim psom. Rada pije vino, hodi na daljše sprehode in prebira knjige. 
Halle se predstavlja z Root Literary, tako samozaložbo kot založbo Simon & Schuster in Hachette v Severni Ameriki in Združenem kraljestvu.

Connect with Karina (Karino lahko spremljate na njenih družbenih omrežjih): 

Enjoy with sexy prince. Uživajte v družbi seksi princa.
Happy reading, Knjigoljubka Maja